Quantum Horizons: Developments and Opportunities II

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Frontiers of Science

Quantum Horizons: Developments and Opportunities

Summer Research School - Workshop, July 1 - 15 2022 Gebze, TÜRKİYE

Nowadays, the possibility to control and use the states of individual quantum systems is leading to the second quantum revolution, which will offer great advances in quantum computing, simulation, communication and sensing. The School-Workshop will bring together early career researchers and graduate students to present excellent series of specialized lectures, with a broad scope of exciting topics in the domain of quantum science and technology.


  • Alexander Sergienko (Boston University, USA)
  • Barry Sanders (University of Calgary, Canada)
  • Edward Farhi (MIT - Google Quantum AI, USA)
  • Nuh Gedik (MIT, USA)
  • Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste, Italy)
  • Jeremy Levy (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Menno Poot (TUM - Munich Quantum Center, Germany)
  • Özgür Müstecaplıoğlu (Koç University - TBAE, Türkiye)
  • Oğuz Gülseren (Bilkent University - TBAE, Türkiye)
  • İnanç Adagideli (Sabancı University - TBAE, Türkiye)

Topics Covered

  • Quantum Matter
  • Quantum Information
  • Quantum Simulation
  • Quantum Sensing
  • Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Communication
  • Interdisciplinary Directions


Program is available here.


The school will be held online. The Zoom link information will be sent only to accepted applicants.

Note: Participants are not charged any fees.

Application Form

You can apply to the school online.

Deadline for Applications: June 20, 2022 23:59

The School Poster is available here.


Hasan Mandal (President of TÜBİTAK), Alikram Nuhbalaoğlu (TÜBİTAK TBAE)
